21. Werkwoorden voor "to complain": KLAGEN, ZEUREN, ZEIKEN & ZANIKEN

KLAGEN, ZEUREN, ZEIKEN & ZANIKEN: 4 verbs you can use when you are COMPLAINING or NAGGING about something. But when to use which one?

😕 KLAGEN is the most neutral and kind of mild.
😑 ZEUREN is also neutral but you are already a bit more frustrated!

🤯 ZEIKEN & ZANIKEN are both kind of harsh and more colloquial. And you are super pissed off! ;-)

(By the way: ZEIKEN also means "to piss")

Possible answers:

  • De man klaagt bij de serveerster over het eten.
  • De man zeurt bij de serveerster over het eten.
  • De man zeikt over het eten.
  • De man zanikt over het eten.

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